Here’s the next rose
Small Rose sale coming up!
Be on the lookout for our small rose sale coming soon. This will be our first year selling potted roses. I’m very excited for these beauties to grace your gardens!
Over the next few days we will be highlighting each Rose that will be available during this small rose sale
Next rose is:

Hardiness Zone [7-11]
Height [4-6’]
Width [3-4’]
Color [Ivory White]
Bloom type [ Double, 26-40 petals]
Plant type [China rose]
Fragrance [strong]
Repeat Bloomer
Year [1869]
Breeder [Jean-Claude Ducher]
Ducher has been described as looking like snow in a pine forest. The double blooms have a fruity fragrance. The compact and rounded, twiggy bush is a nice landscape shrub either as a specimen plant or in a drift of 3 to 5 plants. The soft fullness of the foliage and showy flowers make this an excellent choice to blend with more structured shrubs in a landscape. As one of the smaller China roses, it works well in a large pot as well. Ducher toler- ates heat, sun and various soil conditions.
We look forward to bringing a little ray of sunshine to your garden this year!